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Re: Apple Silicon (M1) Desktop Sync Compatibility

Apple Silicon (M1) Desktop Sync Compatibility

Helpful | Level 6
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Please can you upgrade the Dropbox app so that it works natively on Apple Silicon Macs (M1) without Rosetta.


Rosetta is not an option as it annihilates the battery.


This may be a duplicate of the below idea however that started for ARM processors in general and you haven't looked at it in 6 years so starting an Apple specific idea in the hope you see it.


There are also lots of comments on this thread to help support the case for demand: 

496 Replies 496

Explorer | Level 4
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Dropbox needs to work with Apple Silicon M1 Macs natively. The performance of the M1 chip set is far superior to the Intel versions and eventually all of Apple’s products will sport silicon chips. Your company has a compelling reason to adapt Dropbox to run as efficiently as possible for the millions of customers who will be using  Apple Silicon hardware. Rosetta Stone was never meant to be a permanent work around. 

Explorer | Level 4
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You know what’s really crazy?  They have iOS (iPhone) app that is most certainly native to the ARM architecture since the M1 processing family is based on the A14 which is ARM.  It can’t be that hard to get a MacOS ARM app done. 

New member | Level 2
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It’s absurd to me that I had to sign up for these forums to back the idea that “Dropbox should work natively on Apple computers.” 



Here’s a clearer way to put it: I won’t be installing Dropbox on my new MBP until it’s native. In the meantime, I’m going to start migrating to iCloud Drive. If you can’t support the computer I own before my lazy little migration is done, that’s it: you’ve lost a customer of over a decade.

M1 User
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Goodbye Dropbox! With the new MacBooks and the M1Pro / M1Max processors i will leave you ans switch to OneDrive 👋

Explorer | Level 4
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I was wondering if I should give Dropbox another chance for a while now, but after seeing this thread and how unprofessional Dropbox's response is, I've decided that I won't ever use this service again and will advise others against it. There are way better options out there.

Helpful | Level 6
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Hi @Emma 


Please could you have a look at this idea. I believe we have received enough votes based on when other ideas were responded to.


At a high level, you'll see from the comments there is a fair amount of frustration from users. If there was just a bit of communication on this then I'm sure it would help.


For example, even though OneDrive isn't yet compatible with M1, people are migrating to it because Microsoft has said it will happen this year.


The other options, iCloud, Google Drive, Box already work with the new Macs.

As one of your major three strategic pillars, Core, this idea fully aligns.


Many thanks in advance

Dan B.51
Explorer | Level 4
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You guys are all looking at this wrong. From Day 1 Dropbox has been the greatest murderer of cpu and battery. I, for one, salute their consistency. Stick to your guns, Dropbox! Larger batteries mean more for you to eat! And I have faith you'll innovate new ways to grind these new m1 max chips to a halt like you do with most intel machines, too. Go Dropbox!

Helpful | Level 6
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Any news on this?

It is one of the situations that "no news" is BAD news

New member | Level 2
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Interesting that big player Dropbox gave such lame replies and cannot put their s**t together while the whole open source community is almost completely m1 native.

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That makes no sense! Moving my files elsewhere asap

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